

The Great Plant-Based Con

Look beyond the simple plant-based messaging and polarizing arguments to discover: How diets that exclude animal foods can DAMAGE YOUR HEALTH. How BIG FOOD and BIG PHARMA profit when you eat more plants. Why a rich and powerful CHURCH wants to take meat off your plate. How SCIENTIFIC STUDIES can DISTORT the evidence in favour of plant-based diets. How the MEDIA often act as plant-based advocates rather than reporters.

‘How I have waited for this book! A much needed,
fact-packed, lucidly argued demolition of pervasive,
endlessly recycled, anti-animal source
food propaganda’

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Ending the Mother War

Most mothers are too busy to start a revolution so it takes a powerful argument to light the torch. Ending the Mother War is the touchpaper. In it, Jayne Buxton shows that there is a way out of the battle between Earthmother and Superwoman, and an alternative to the entrenched positions and false choices these role models represent.

Fiercely intelligent
Read it!


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Take Someone Like Me

Libby always thought she had a good life. But when she begins to feel taken for granted and motherhood starts to show its distinctly uglier sides, she looks outside the family for a way to fulfil her intellectual and emotional needs. She cannot foresee the toll this will take on her family, or the difficult choices she will be forced to make. 

Entertaining, wise and thought provoking

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Lessons in Duck Shooting

Single mother Ally James’ life is in dire need of a makeover. When her best friend persuades her to attend what promises to be a life changing workshop, Ally finds herself reluctantly giving in. At first it looks as though the workshop’s proposed action plan really can turn her life around, but when everything spirals out of control, Ally fears that she may have risked and lost too much.

A laugh-out-loud debut that will captivate readers

Jayne Buxton

Jayne Buxton